I'm certain that any experienced coder out there or seasoned computer geek would be scoffing at my attempt here. For one thing, this was in the written tutorial wizard, so unless I was extremely thick and illiterate I would not have been able to pull this off. Yet, I still feel rather proud of this.
To download the game and play it, follow the link at the bottom of this post and simply download.
Game Maker was the software I used to make this. It has a free "Lite" version with a "Pro" version available for purchase. It's pretty damn simple as game making software goes as it has a "Simple Mode" so you don't have to type in code, but rather navigate menus and icons to achieve what you want.
If you think this looks complicated, don't. This is child's play compared to how games are REALLY made. |
So the game looks like this when you open it. CLICK THEM FRUITS! |
As time goes on, bombs start appear. Don't click on those if you don't want to blow up. |
... more and more bombs appear. Damn that cherry is hard to catch. |
gAAHhh! |
Well, game over. |
That last screenshot shows my current highscore of 1400. Feel free to beat that if the game keeps your interest long enough lol.
(please make sure you have something to extract files from .rar files - applications such as
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